When COVID-19 first rolled around in Spring 2020, it really put a damper on the availability of plants. This was especially easy to see in the houseplant department. The combination of slowing commerce and renewed interest in plants dramatically reduced the variety of plants in many areas, including mine. Many types of plants available pre-COVID became nonexistent. Now that things are opening up again (for the most part), new and interesting plants are now hitting the shelves! Lately, I’ve found quite a few uncommon plants at big box stores in my area.
In another blog post, “Starting A Plant Collection On A Budget: Part I“, I mentioned that some of the best places to pick up cheap and interesting plants can be at big box stores. Wholesale plant growers these days have picked up on the public’s interest for popular, unusual and uncommon varieties, and are bringing them to market. Check out what I’ve discovered recently!
Uncommon Plants Found At Home depot
Monolena primuliflora
Monolena primuliflora is a tropical epiphyte from South America that forms a caudex when mature. They have lanceolate green leaves with bright red undersides. The red coloration shows through even from above, and its appearance reminds me of Philodendron verrucosum with their similar color patterns. Isn’t it gorgeous?

I have never seen this plant offered anywhere in my area, even at the specialty nurseries, so I was very surprised to find it at Home Depot. It was less than $10USD for a plant in a 4-inch pot, so it definitely had to come home with me!

Peperomia prostrata (String of Turtles)
Peperomia prostrata is starting to become somewhat common commercially, although it’s still rare in my area. These cute “turtles” came in a hanging ceramic planter. I can’t wait for the foliage to grow and start to hang all around the sides! I’m assuming they were quite popular, because when I returned to Home Depot the following week, they were all gone!

I’ve learned that if you see something of interest, you should jump on it before it disappears. There have been a few instances where I’ve seen some intriguing plants but still went home emptyhanded to mull over my decision to make a purchase. After returning a few days later, everything was gone, and I have not seen those plants since!
Uncommon Plants Found At Ace Hardware
Watermelon Peperomia

A local Ace Hardware has been upping its houseplant game in my area as well! Recently, I stopped by the houseplant section (it’s mandatory for every visit, naturally) and found that they had just restocked. Among all the shiny new plants were these gleaming Watermelon Peperomias!

Iridescent Rex Begonias
Ok, so Rex Begonias aren’t really that uncommon, but there are some unusual types showing up on the shelves of big box stores. Instead of the vibrant, splashy colors that you usually find, I’ve come across a some begonias that have velvety leaves and deep colors with hints of a bluish sheen. I’ve realized that begonias with these characteristics are usually iridescent blue when you photograph them with a flash. The best example is Begonia pavonina.

One of these days, I would like to photograph my iridescent begonias with a better and stronger flash. I’m hoping that it will bring out the iridescence. The wimpy flash on my phone is not quite cutting it. Does anybody else have recommendations on how to bring out the metallic blue shimmer of these begonias? Please let the community and I know in the comments!

This is what the begonia looks like photographed in the daylight, without a flash. Doesn’t it look completely different? You might be able to detect a bluish sheen beneath the velvety texture. If you’re interested in these types of begonias, keep these characteristics in mind when you’re out plant shopping!
Final Thoughts
The main lesson from this post: Always be on the lookout! You’ll never know when you’ll stumble across a cool plant for a good price. Now that most commercial retailers are picking up on the interest in unusual and uncommon plants, they are beginning to make them more available.
What are the coolest plants that you’ve found at a commercial big box store? Let us know in the comments!
Always Keep Growing,
Heather (a.k.a. The Botanical Chick)