Indoor tropical plants are seeing a resurgence in interest, especially on social media platforms like Instagram. Philodendrons are one of the dominant plants that people are going crazy over, and let’s admit it, they are pretty awesome. The genus Philodendron has so many unique, fascinating and fantastic species and varieties. And what’s particularly amazing is the fact that the majority of their appeal is primarily because of their breathtaking foliage.
In this post, I list 12 gorgeous Philodendron species that are a must-have for indoor plant enthusiasts! The list is in no particular order, and there are many species that I won’t be covering, but these are a good start because most of them are available commercially from specialty vendors to private growers on Etsy, eBay and Facebook.
So get ready to add another twelve plants to your own Plant Wishlist! I know I will be!
Philodendron verrucosum

Probably my most favorite Philodendron species of all, Philodendron verrucosum. The spectacular emerald-green leaves are lined with intricate golden veins. This unique coloration of foliage is what makes this climbing species so desirable. The petioles are hairy which may be a bit off-putting to some, but I see that as merely an interesting characteristic and a wonderful example of the diversity of plant morphology. This plant is relatively available on eBay and Etsy. I. Really. Want. This.
Philodendron melanochrysum

Tall, dark and handsome is one way you can describe Philodendron melanochrysum. The leaves of this species is a velvety, sultry shade of dark green and black. Established specimens growing in the right conditions and allowed to climb can throw out huge leaves, easily up to 2 or 3 feet long. However, they can be maintained in a perpetual juvenile state if kept in an indoor environment with less light, smaller pots and regular pruning. The leaves of juvenile plants may not necessarily be as impressive, but they are still equally as velvety and gorgeous. They are quite available on Etsy and eBay.
Philodendron gloriosum

Philodendron gloriosum is a good starter plant if you want to get into the more uncommon tropical houseplants. They are (generally) not as expensive as the other rare Philodendrons and a bit more available. But just a bit. I was able to snag a plant from eBay several years ago for about $30. If you have a smaller budget, one great way to accumulate rare plants slowly is to “save your search” on shopping platforms like Ebay so that you are sent daily emails of what interests you. As you monitor your notification emails every day, you will be able to jump on good deals for plants that would normally be $50+. But you have to be patient! Of course, don’t forget to check out Etsy as well.
Philodendron micans

One of the most accessible, affordable and gorgeous velvet-leafed houseplants on the market is Philodendron micans. If all of the other Philodendrons in this list are currently out of your budget, I would recommend starting with Philodendron micans. It is readily available online from many shopping platforms. You can purchase them from eBay, Etsy and Amazon!
Philodendron sodiroi
Philodendron sodiroi is an elegant climber with dramatic, mottled silver leaves. They are fast growers and make excellent indoor houseplants. If you want something different than the same velvet-leafed Philodendrons, then this species is an excellent option to add some silvery sparkle to your collection! However, it seems relatively new to the houseplant craze, so there aren’t many places to find it. It is occasionally found on Etsy and eBay by a handful of vendors.
Philodendron mamei

Philodendron mamei is very similar in appearance to Philodendron sodiroi. It is similarly-marked with silver, but the ratio of silver to green is much lower. Philodendron mamei is also a large, upright grower that prefers to creep along the ground, whereas Philodendron sodiroi is a climber and needs vertical support. Philodendron mamei is rarely found and very few online shopping platforms offer them, but checking eBay and Etsy may yield results occasionally.
Philodendron pastazanum

Philodendron pastazanum (a.k.a. Philodendron McDowell) is a large, glossy, ruffled Philodendron that will steal your heart. This upright grower can throw out leaves that are 2 feet long. When I see these leaves, it brings to mind a satin evening gown with a perfectly-ruched bodice. The white veining adds a spark of brightness but does so in an elegant and understated manner that complements the textured ruffles. It is frequently found on Etsy and eBay.
Philodendron erubescens “Pink Princess”

Of course, no list is complete without the “Pink Princess” Philodendron. Social media and plant enthusiasts have all but lost their minds over these pink-variegated plants in the last few years, which is understandable given their unique foliage coloration. Leafless stem cuttings have sold for hundreds of dollars online. However, unless you are a knowledgeable gardener or understand botany, I would caution you against paying exorbitant amounts of money for a piece of a plant without roots or leaves. If you are able to get a whole plant or a healthy, rooted cutting for a price that is acceptable for your budget, go ahead and do so. But unless you know what you are doing, please don’t shell out your money for bare stem cuttings. Philodendron Pink Princess also has the annoying habit of reverting (turning back to green), so you’d want to consider this as well. These plants can be found frequently on Etsy and eBay.
Philodendron tortum
Philodendron tortum is drastically different than the rest of the plants on this list. Instead of broad, heart-shaped leaves that are velvety or variegated, these leaves are finely dissected and almost palm-like. It’s almost hard to believe that it’s actually a Philodendron! It is rarely found in cultivation and there aren’t many private growers offering it for sale. There are only a few vendors on Etsy and, once in a while, it can be found on eBay.
Philodendron brandtianum

Philodendron brandtianum is another species with gorgeous mottled foliage. Essentially, it looks as if the dark green leaves were splashed with liquid silver. It can look quite similar or be mistaken for Scindapsus pictus “Exotica” (the Satin Pothos). However, its growth habit is slightly more upright and climbing and not as sprawling as a Scindapsus. To see a comparison between Scindapsus pictus varieties compared to Philodendron brandtianum, check out this forum. It can be found readily on Etsy and eBay.
Philodendron plowmanii
Philodendron plowmanii is similar in appearance to Philodendron pastazanum, but without the white veining. Philodendron plowmanii has large, heart-shaped, glossy leaves that have varying shades of green. They seem to be more ruffled and textured than Philodendron pastazanum, but that is purely based on my observations. They can be frequently found on Etsy and eBay.
Philodendron luxurians
Philodendron luxurians can easily be mistaken for an Anthurium, because it very much looks like one! The dark green leaves are velvety and have white veins like many Anthurium species. It just goes to show how diverse the Philodendron genus is. It is very rarely found, and is almost nonexistent on Etsy and eBay. A private or specialty grower is your best chance of finding this beauty!
Last Thoughts
Initially, I was going to write a Top 10 list. But after doing research (i.e. drooling all over my laptop while scrolling through pages and pages of gorgeous Philodendron photos) I couldn’t stop myself from adding an additional two entries. Yes, I got carried away (lol, not even close. I can go waaaaay longer than this). Can you blame me?
But despite adding an additional two species, this list is by no means comprehensive. There are many, many other Philodendron species and hybrids out there that would make excellent additions to your plant collection. I’m sure everyone will have their own list of plants that is unique to them. What is on your Philodendron wishlist? Are any of my suggestions on your list too? Feel free to come up with your Top 10 (or 12…or 20…we won’t judge…) in the comments below!
Always Keep Growing,
Heather (a.k.a. The Botanical Chick)
beautiful plant, good article about Philodendron,i like it, thanks